All hiking and climbing courses will recommence in summer 2024 as I am currently working as a ski instructor in Canada



Hey there, my name is Aaron and I am a climbing instructor and mountain leader, born and raised from Northern Ireland. With a deep passion for the outdoors, I am dedicated to sharing my love for climbing and exploring nature’s wonders.

From an early age, I’ve found joy in exploring the mountains of the Mournes and rugged cliffs of Fair Head. Now, as a climbing instructor, I’ve guided numerous climbers, both nationally and internationally, ensuring safety and technical expertise on every ascent.

Certified as a Mountain Leader and Rock Climbing Instructor, I’ve a broad range of experience leading groups through diverse terrains, from Greenland to Corsica, to Scotland and the Alps.


I’ve led numerous adventures and expeditions, both nationally and internationally. Some of my latest expeditions include:

– Arctic Circle Trail (Greenland)

– GR20 (Corsica, France)

–  Bavarian Alps (Germany)

– Dolomites (Italy)

Core Values

I personally embrace a set of core values that truly define who I am and dictate how I operate. These values are more than just guiding principles for me; they represent the soul of every adventure and expedition I undertake.

As a qualified Mountain Leader and Rock Climbing Instructor, with comprehensive insurance coverage, and extensive experience, you can embark on your outdoor adventure with confidence that you are in safe hands.

I am all about making your adventure enjoyable and memorable. Driven by a passion for the outdoors, I am dedicated to infusing every experience with excitement and fun. 

I am keen to share my knowledge and experience with you, to get you to the level where you feel competent and confident to venture into the mountains safely by yourself.

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